Human Rights Policy


Brask Inc. is committed to upholding the highest standards of human rights in all aspects of our operations. This Human Rights Policy outlines our dedication to respecting and promoting human rights as recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) core conventions, and other relevant international frameworks.


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, suppliers, and business partners of Brask Inc. across all locations and operations worldwide. It is designed to ensure that all our stakeholders understand and adhere to our commitment to human rights.

Policy Statement

Brask Inc. recognizes that respect for human rights is fundamental to our values and operations. We are committed to ensuring that all our business activities are conducted in a manner that respects and promotes the human rights of all individuals affected by our operations.

Our Commitments

Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity

At Brask Inc., we are steadfast in our commitment to fostering a workplace that is free from discrimination and harassment. We believe that all employment decisions should be based on individual merit, qualifications, and the specific needs of our business. This means that every aspect of employment, including hiring, promotion, compensation, and termination, will be conducted without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

We actively promote diversity and inclusion within our workforce. Recognizing that a diverse workforce enhances our ability to innovate and meet the needs of our global clients, we implement policies and practices that support the recruitment, retention, and advancement of a diverse talent pool. Our diversity initiatives include targeted outreach programs, diversity training, and the establishment of employee resource groups to foster an inclusive culture. We also regularly review our employment practices to ensure they support our commitment to non-discrimination and equal opportunity.

Fair Labor Practices

Brask Inc. is dedicated to upholding fair labor practices across all our operations. We strictly prohibit the use of child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking in any form. We are committed to ensuring that all working conditions are safe and healthy, and that all workers receive fair wages and benefits that comply with or exceed local laws and industry standards.

We adhere to all applicable labor laws and regulations in the jurisdictions where we operate. Our commitment to fair labor practices is aligned with the principles of the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) core conventions. We conduct regular audits and assessments of our labor practices to ensure compliance and to identify areas for improvement. Additionally, we engage with our workforce to gather feedback and address any labor-related concerns promptly and effectively.

Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

We respect and uphold the rights of our employees to freely associate, join labor unions, and engage in collective bargaining. Brask Inc. is committed to engaging in constructive dialogue with employee representatives and labor unions to address workplace issues and negotiate terms of employment.

We ensure that all employees can communicate openly with management about their working conditions without fear of retaliation, harassment, or intimidation. We provide channels for employees to voice their concerns and suggestions, and we actively work to create a cooperative and respectful relationship between management and employees. Our policies guarantee that any form of reprisal against employees exercising their rights to association and collective bargaining is strictly prohibited and will be met with appropriate disciplinary action.

Health and Safety

The health and safety of our employees and contractors are of paramount importance to Brask Inc. We are committed to providing a working environment that prioritizes safety and promotes the well-being of all individuals. Our comprehensive health and safety policies and procedures are designed to prevent workplace injuries and illnesses.

We conduct regular training sessions and risk assessments to ensure compliance with health and safety standards. These assessments help us identify potential hazards and implement measures to mitigate risks. We encourage a culture of safety throughout the organization, where every employee is aware of their responsibilities and is empowered to take proactive steps to maintain a safe working environment.

Our health and safety initiatives include the implementation of safety management systems, emergency preparedness plans, and continuous monitoring of safety performance. We also provide resources and support for employees to maintain their health and well-being, including access to health services, wellness programs, and ergonomic assessments. Our goal is to achieve zero workplace incidents and to continuously improve our health and safety performance through regular reviews and updates to our policies and procedures.

Community and Stakeholder Engagement

Brask Inc. actively engages with communities and stakeholders to understand and address the human rights impacts of our operations. We are committed to contributing positively to the communities in which we operate through meaningful dialogue and collaboration.

We conduct regular consultations with local communities, NGOs, and other stakeholders to gather insights and feedback on our operations and their social and economic impacts. This engagement helps us identify potential human rights issues and develop strategies to mitigate them.

We support social and economic development initiatives that benefit the communities and align with our human rights commitments. These initiatives may include education programs, health and wellness initiatives, infrastructure development, and other community-driven projects.

Our community engagement efforts are guided by principles of transparency, respect, and mutual benefit, ensuring that all voices are heard and considered in our decision-making processes.

Grievance Mechanisms

Brask Inc. provides accessible and effective grievance mechanisms for employees, contractors, and community members to raise concerns about potential human rights violations.

We have established multiple channels for reporting grievances, including hotlines, email, and in-person reporting to ensure that all individuals can easily access the grievance process.

All grievances are addressed promptly and fairly. We have a dedicated team responsible for investigating complaints, ensuring that each case is handled with the utmost care and professionalism.

We maintain strict confidentiality throughout the grievance process and protect individuals who report grievances from any form of retaliation or adverse consequences. Our non-retaliation policy ensures that everyone feels safe and supported in coming forward with their concerns.

Supply Chain Responsibility

Brask Inc. is committed to ensuring that our suppliers and business partners adhere to our high standards of human rights.

We require all suppliers and business partners to comply with our human rights standards as a condition of doing business with us. This includes signing our Supplier Code of Conduct, which outlines our expectations regarding labor practices, health and safety, environmental sustainability, and ethical conduct.

We conduct regular assessments and audits of our suppliers to verify compliance with our human rights standards. These assessments include on-site inspections, document reviews, and interviews with workers and management.

We work collaboratively with our suppliers to improve their human rights practices. This includes providing training, resources, and support to help them meet our standards and address any identified issues.

Training and Awareness

Brask Inc. is dedicated to raising awareness and understanding of human rights throughout our organization.

We provide regular training and education to all employees and contractors on human rights issues and our policy commitments. This training covers topics such as recognizing and preventing human rights violations, understanding our grievance mechanisms, and promoting a culture of respect and dignity.

Our training programs are designed to be interactive and engaging, encouraging employees to actively participate and ask questions. We also provide refresher courses to ensure that our employees remain informed about the latest developments in human rights practices.

We ensure that all employees understand their role in upholding human rights and encourage them to report any concerns or violations they may observe. Our commitment to human rights is integrated into our onboarding process, performance evaluations, and leadership development programs.

Monitoring and Reporting

Brask Inc. is committed to continuous improvement and transparency in our human rights practices.

We monitor our human rights performance through regular reviews and assessments, using key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure our progress. These KPIs may include metrics related to grievance resolution times, supplier compliance rates, training completion rates, and community engagement activities.

We report on our human rights performance annually, providing detailed information on our activities, achievements, and areas for improvement. Our annual report is made publicly available to ensure transparency and accountability.

We are committed to continuously improving our human rights practices based on feedback from stakeholders, changes in regulations, and best practices in the industry. We regularly update our policies and procedures to reflect our commitment to human rights and to address emerging issues.

Review and Updates

This Human Rights Policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to reflect changes in laws, regulations, and best practices.

Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact our People Team Management Department at [email protected].